Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ski week 2010

This week was ski week. We ventured up to Tahoe with our family and our travelmates - the Bernsteins. While I am not a great skier, Alan is trying to make sure that our kids are! Can't say that I'm much help for technique but I am a great cheerleader, dresser, boo-boo kisser and bathroom runner.

While Kiira has never taken to ski school, we got Evan to go for one day (with his best friend Ginger - that made ALL the difference). He LOVED it! Still talks about his friend "Kate" that helped him at "ski kool". I gotta say - the kid's a natural.

Kiira seemed to have improved by leaps and bounds as well. Alan took her under his wing and she was skiing blues and greens by the end of the week - all by herself! Go Kiira go!

We can't pass up the spectacular sledding in the area either. Personally - I'd rather sled than do any of the above! We ALL had a good time hitting those slopes as well!

Snowball fight!!! For our kids....anytime....anywhere!!!!

Nothing beats a day on the mountain than a good soak in the hut tub!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I have to say, kids do not normally like ski school, but yours apparently took it really well, and I agree with you it must have been the fact that he was with a friend. I love these kind of holidays. I enjoy a lot when I go with my family. Last year we had a skiweek in cerro castor in Argentina. The hot tub at the end was the best for me, my husband enjoyed the skiing better haha
Anyways, it was one of the best trips we had had in years!