Monday, June 14, 2010

Evan's first year at the Mountain School

Well, here we are. Our first year of pre-school under our belt. After a rough start of 3 people pulling him off of me, to the teachers asking me to drop him off early (he was too disruptive when I had to leave him), we made it. Did he ever ASK to go to school? No. Did he ever jump up and down when it was a school day? No. The most exciting thing to him was rice day. And Asya day because that meant he got to take a walk. Has he ever jumped for joy when I mentioned school? Yes. That's a start you say. Well, it was usually precidated by, "There is no...." Oh well. There's next year and maybe even another year to learn to love it.

We have made some really nice friends though. His best friends have all been girls. Nancy Sue and Haley (twins) and Mimi. So cute....
And thank god for teacher Brenda whom I could faithfully hand him off too to cuddle him as I left. Phew......

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