Monday, March 29, 2010

Boston Batmitzva Passover and Acapella

Well, this will be a long one since there were several different parts to our journey. We really went back to celebrate Eliza's batmitzva. She is a second cousin to our kids. We then decided to stay longer to celebrate Passover with Ann and Kent and THE COUSINS!!
You don't have to give my kids an excuse to stay longer with cousins. There was a countdown to see them they were so excited!

We started our journey to Boston and to our surprise we were in FIRST CLASS!! Ok - when does that EVER happen? So nice too because Evan fell asleep in those nice big seats and slept for two hours. Which gave me the opportunity to watch a movie - they actually pass out little individual units so you can watch WHAT you want WHEN you want. How GREAT is that!! Clearly I was thrilled to be in this elite section.

While there we got to also see Jonah in his acapella performance at one of the local schools. He was amazing. Not only did he sing but he also did the beatboxing (mind you I had no idea what this was until this weekend!)

The batmitzva was hilarious - from the point of view of my kids that is. Kiira, my velcro child, and Evan, the more adventurous one were sat at the kid's table right next to ours. I thought to myself - Kiira will never stay there, we will just pull up a chair at our table. Not only did she stay there but she enjoyed it and she got up on the dance floor periodically to cut a rug.

Evan on the other hand did not sit in his seat once. He discovered a ping pong table off to the side and was constantly recruiting people to play with him. He was very non-discriminatory as he played with 5 yr olds up to 60 yr olds.

The grown up and fun with the glasses props as well! :-)

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