Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back to the living and JACKPOT

Okay, I am back among the living. The cold turned out to be pneumonia for both Kiira and Evan and some wicked head and sinus thing that just 1 1/2 weeks later is starting to leave me - good riddance! Well, since then, Liisa arrived, Kim shipped off to England (then Jordan than Iraq). Ginger the pup is here for a while and well, let's just say with a small child that likes to throw food over the highchair - Ginger is in 7th heaven and thinks she has hit the JACKPOT!!!! I thought Rennie was a food hound - Ginger puts her to shame.
So yeah - 9 days until Liisa's wedding. We are whipping things together and I must say I've had this little feeling deep down of when Alan and I got married. It seems so long ago but that little tickle inside - that mixture of nervousness, excitement, the unknown - surfaces every now and again. It makes me feel so young. That feeling of what's to come - will we have kids? Where will we end up? Now fast forward and here we are. Indeed - we have two kids, here we are in Tiburon. And looking back - you feel incredibly lucky. Not only because we have healthy adorable kids or because we live in my version of paradise. No, it's the realization that we are indeed on a journey. We took our leap of faith and keep leaping. And luckily the leaps lead back to where we began - to each other.
I do feel lucky to live where we do, with good friends and an incredible home. At the end of the day though - home is where Alan, Kiira and Evan are. That's all I could ask for.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Cold

We have it - all of us. I am ashamed to say that it started with me and then hit Kiira and now Evan. Alan has avoided it thus far. Even Jenny has it. Last night Kiira slept in our bed. I'm not a big fan of the family bed b/c I just don't feel anyone (especially me) gets a good night's sleep. I know neither Kiira nor I did last night. Poor gal could not breathe out of her nose so I tried sleeping her with her head up which just spiraled into a comedy of errors. Me sitting up - her cradled in my arm propped up. Us on our sides, her head on my arm in order to prop it up. And just as 3 am was rolling around and I had seen each number that little hand hit, I was thinking we would finally drift off when, in adjusting my pillow, I clocked myself in the head. Now some would say that could knock a little sense into me. Can't say that I'm feeling any more sensible today. It did awaken me to a point that I did not want to be however. And why might I ask is it that we end up on the 18" of the bed on my side. We have the biggest bed they make and although Alan is bigger than we, he certainly has no need for all that space (nor does he request it). Alas, since I can truely count on both hands the few number of times we've done the communal bed, I shouldn't complain. Perhaps I am getting old (gasp!) and value sleep too much. 17 days until Liisa's wedding so hopefully we can all kick it by then.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Kiira on a horse

Okay - one more thing. Had to post this photo of Kiira on a horse (see below). Up until now she has been deathly afraid of anything bigger than a dog (is this my child?). At the farmer's market the other day she declared she wanted to ride the "horse" - aka large pony. We waited in line for 20 min b/c mom didn't want to miss this opportunity of the bug biting (do you think i would be happy if she started riding?!!!). She loved it! Now we frequent both the Sunday and Thursday farmer's market so she can "ride". Be still my heart.....


....an hour later. I am a 9 pm to bed gal and now it is 10. I am blaming you both Kim and Margaret! Okay, okay, it's not really your fault. I just had to get the setup done. 'night all.

Givin it a try

Okay Kim, okay Margaret. I am now blaming you for yet ANOTHER thing that will suck my time from being vegetable like on the couch. Gotta say though - I really like both your blogs and hey, what with you going to Iraq and all Kim - it will be worth it to read your blog and know you are alright. As well, hopefully you will get a few giggles from reading mine. That said - I am feeling slightly under pressure to get all the damn spelling/grammar/etc correct! If I get any corrections from you Kim......:-)
If you all didn't know it - a few friends and I have a running joke about who has had the best wipeout - hence the klutzy Heidi titles. My mom refuses to believe that I could be this uncoordinated as I was made to spend several years in ballet. Let's just say it didn't take. At a later date I will post a sample of one of my better wipeouts. Okay will attempt to post a picture with this. Cute one of Kiira and Evan. What am i up to lately you ask? Well, I will keep you all posted on the bane of my existence lately which is losing the baby weight that was gained with Master Evan. Yes, I have 10 more bloody pounds to go and it AIN'T meltin off like you hear everyone talk about. It's toil, toil, toil and counting the bloody points (I am doing Weight Watchers). My sis is getting married September 27 and I am hoping to drop at least another 5. Realistic goal - probably 3 but hey, why not shoot for the moon. Gotta say, not enjoying the excersizing as much as i thought i would. Although i take the same run 5 days a week - perhaps i just need some variety. Okay then - quite a bit of rambling here....off to figure out that picture posting....