Saturday, September 8, 2007

Givin it a try

Okay Kim, okay Margaret. I am now blaming you for yet ANOTHER thing that will suck my time from being vegetable like on the couch. Gotta say though - I really like both your blogs and hey, what with you going to Iraq and all Kim - it will be worth it to read your blog and know you are alright. As well, hopefully you will get a few giggles from reading mine. That said - I am feeling slightly under pressure to get all the damn spelling/grammar/etc correct! If I get any corrections from you Kim......:-)
If you all didn't know it - a few friends and I have a running joke about who has had the best wipeout - hence the klutzy Heidi titles. My mom refuses to believe that I could be this uncoordinated as I was made to spend several years in ballet. Let's just say it didn't take. At a later date I will post a sample of one of my better wipeouts. Okay will attempt to post a picture with this. Cute one of Kiira and Evan. What am i up to lately you ask? Well, I will keep you all posted on the bane of my existence lately which is losing the baby weight that was gained with Master Evan. Yes, I have 10 more bloody pounds to go and it AIN'T meltin off like you hear everyone talk about. It's toil, toil, toil and counting the bloody points (I am doing Weight Watchers). My sis is getting married September 27 and I am hoping to drop at least another 5. Realistic goal - probably 3 but hey, why not shoot for the moon. Gotta say, not enjoying the excersizing as much as i thought i would. Although i take the same run 5 days a week - perhaps i just need some variety. Okay then - quite a bit of rambling to figure out that picture posting....

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