"Oh who are the people in your neighborhood" - Sesame Street
I love living somewhere where the kids come over impromptu to play. Followed of course by the parents. On this lovely summer eve, Claire and Jack came for a late afternoon play. Mona Helen and I enjoyed the down time to catch up on her trip to Alabama and life in Tiburon while she was away. This is what makes community.
You don't realize community is what everyone is trying to find until it isn't there. I remember growing up in a neighborhood where everyone knew each other. Where we knocked on doors at Halloween and played kicked the can with friends in the street. Our backyard was almost "the square" where several houses bordered and a good game of kickball was easy to gather.
It is harder today. We don't have the space and people always seem to "have something to do". I am included in the latter. So, it is with effort, but with great results that I have tried to slow life down. To enjoy the tick of the clock, the banter of children and the visits from neighbors. This is what makes up my community. And yes, I am slowly getting to know "who are the people in your neighborhood" by more than just their passing faces....
Are you sure Mona Helen was looking for community, or maybe just a beer? :-)
HA! I was actually looking for my children, who wandered off without informing their mother... but judging from the paunch I'm sporting, I'd say thev beer also enjoys a high priority...!
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