Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School blues

Well, Kiira seemed to have gotten a bug this week. At least I thought so. She had flu like symptoms Sunday night so I kept her home from school Monday. Headache, threw up. I thought she had recovered only to have her come down with another headache and throw up early Tuesday morning. Another day home. At this point, paranoia got the best of me and I started worrying about swine flu. Apparently the symptoms I described were enough to warrant precautions at the doctor's office too as they made us come in masks. I thought to deflect any fear, we would decorate the masks. We got a few funny looks in the waiting room but I told Kiira we were protecting ourselves from other people's germs. That was a good answer for her.

Long story long, Dr. Wright thought it was either a slight flu or migraines. Wednesday, well, we made it to school. Wednesday night (or rather Thursday morn) she was up from 1-4 am with a headache (threat of throwing up but she held it down - thank goodness). Off to school late Thursday. Finally email the teacher and say, you know what - I think Kiira is having good old anxiety. I definitely get anxiety so I wouldn't be surprised if Miss Sensitive, put alot of pressure on herself, internalize everything Kiira did too. So, I asked the teacher to meet for some tips and to keep an extra special eye on her.

The teacher, Mrs. Ehrhorn, has been great. She has held Kiira's hand to carline, she has given her some special attention and best of all, she has kept me in the loop. She sent a lovely reassuring email Friday that Kiira was starting to get a little more talkative and was interacting a bit more. Phew. Now, onto one of my many children's books to find out how to deal with anxiety and a 6 year old!

Monday night (a holiday), let's see if we make it to school tomorrow.

1 comment:

Margie in Oakland said...

We get lots of stomach aches and some headaches. Yes, anxiety is a difficult thing. Our teacher is helpful as well. As is the lunch lady, etc.....