Monday, November 30, 2009

Fleeting moments

When Kiira was younger, she liked to come everywhere with me. It didn't matter if I was going to the grocery store or the drug store. All that mattered was that she was with me. Admittedly, there were days I wanted more alone time but I tried to keep in mind that this phase wouldn't last forever. In fact, as time has gone by, many other things have become more appealing than mommy. Friends, staying home to play, drawing, you name it. Who can blame her? I wouldn't go grocery shopping if I didn't have to.

When I steal a moment back in time, I am learning to treasure those Wobegon days. Not long ago, I went to put on my bathrobe and when I came out, who had their bathrobe on too? My big girl Kiira. She even vocalized, "I want to be just like mommy!"

A glimpse at their sweet little hearts makes your whole being melt and the sassy looks and smart alack remarks seem light years away. Again, they are your sweet innocence child who can do no wrong and thinks mommy is the center of their lives.

Treasured moments are fleeting. Etch them in your memory. Savor them when you need to.

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