Saturday, September 27, 2008

I can stay quiet no longer

The race is close. I don't usually put my political thoughts out there but since Sarah Palin has come into the picture, I can stay quiet no longer. Our friend Gideon sent through a scarey fact about two weeks ago - McCain was winning the electoral votes (see new link on right for Real Politics for up to date facts - thanks Gideon!). So, if you didn't know where I stood before, you do now. Not good.

I tried to have an open mind when Palin was announced she would be McCain's VP candidate. Now, have I mentioned, I can stay quiet no longer. She is just awful! She took the money that the government gave her for the Bridge to Nowhere so it can be used for something else, she lied about how much oil Alaska supplied the continental US (she said 20%, it's really 3% - how could she not know this?), she left the town of Wasilla in millions of dollars of debt upon becoming governor and, to add insult to injury, she makes women who have been raped, pay for their own rape kit (the NY Times carried a good article on this). Also scary are the facts that she considered banning certain books from libraries and her foreign policy experience consists of being able to see Russia from her kitchen window.

My general feeling here, she is a trigger happy, leap before you think righty. Not what our country needs right now.

And for those of you who think McCain will be fine health wise if he does get elected president well, what if he's not? The actuary tables show there are a 1 in 3 change that he's not. Can you see Sarah Palin as president. Oh please, I'm begging of you all who are going to vote for McCain - our country is in enough trouble right now. We don't need this duo perpetuating many of the mistakes that have been made these last 8 years. I didn't go into my doubts about McCain but as the election draws closer, I can stay quiet no longer!


Kate said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. You go, girl!

Margie in Oakland said...
