Monday, November 30, 2009

Celebrate Mississippi Cactus style

Recently my friend Kim turned 40. We all celebrated this FUN FUN time at the Red Devil Lounge listening to Mississippi Cactus - her brothers's band. They flew in from Milwaukee as did her parents to party party party!

It was a great time to catch up with friends that I hadn't seen in awhile. Margaret and BZ live in the east bay and I never get to see them at all anymore. My friend Michelle was also here whom I haven't seen in 7 years. She was my triathlon coach eons ago when I had time to dedicate to various extra curricular activities.

Happy birthday Kim, thanks for including us - and "maaaaaaannnnny mooooooore!!!!"

1 comment:

Margie in Oakland said...

Great pics! Also great to have evidence that I was in a club and out past my bedtime!