Well, we wasted no time in getting a letter off to Santa in order to let him know a certain someone's wish list. That said, it is easy to become caught in the mass commercialism of the season and we have been brainstorming on ways to show the children the true meaning of giving. Do we go get a new toy and donate it to Toys for Tots? Do we go get some canned food and drop it off for those in need? All of these are good options but I couldn't help but feel that even with these they wouldn't quote grasp what it means to do without and therefore give to someone who needs it more than we. And by "they" I really mean Kiira as Evan could play with a wadded up piece of paper and bat it back and forth with the cat with a big smile on his face. They don't need much as that age.
So, our resolution was this. We have bagged up about 4 bags of toys and clothes that the kids don't play with and will give them to the battered women's shelter. I felt it meant more to have to give away something that you were fond of, or used to be fond of, rather than give away something you had no attachment to to begin with. Again, I'm not sure the meaning has quite sunk in but I look forward to 20 years from now when our children are in therapy because their parents made them give away their past favorite toys. If I haven't screwed up yet, I'm sure I will in the near future. The fund has been started....
So, let the season begin, let the giving and receiving abound and let friendships and family shine through as the most important gifts of all.
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