Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Love you monny

There is nothing that brings greater joy to your heart than hearing your child tell you they love you. Evan and I were walking through Strawberry Village the other day and, being the rascal that he is, he picked a flower out of the planter box. I gave him an eye that said, "you are NOT supposed to be doing that!" To which he replied to my telepathic message, "I love you monny" (monny translates to mama in Evan talk). Well, if that doesn't make the world right, I just don't know what does. I know I am biased (and he has me wrapped around his little finger) but that kid is CUTE!

It is easy to lose track of moments like this and the saying on this vase gives me a gentle reminder to try "not to sweat the small stuff" and just laugh. After all, there's ALWAYS small stuff.

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