Friday, January 4, 2008

Blustery day

Yup. That says it all. We've made it through relatively unscathed. Each year, the rainy season seems to kick it into high gear by "announcing" it is here. This year, the announcement was made via 85 mph winds on the Golden Gate Bridge and the closing of the Richmond Bridge. Also joining the announcement winds were the "flooding" signs and the "we're not home" sandbags. That water is a wiley guest though and always seems to find it's way into the party. Supermarkets and hardware stores were sold out of D batteries and flashlights. Mill Valley, the town adjacent to us was hit hard. Many have been without power for 4 days now. Thankfully, we undergrounded our electrical wires about 5 years back and are now thinking that wasn't such a bad investment. Trees were down everywhere but thankfully had no lines to strike in our neighborhood. That, of course, doesnt' mean that clever Mother Nature didn't get us somehow. One of our bushes got uprooted and well, let's just say that we feel all the ants in a 5 mile radius have decided to boogie it on down in the Hirvonen-White household. Mercifully, Kiira is no longer afraid of them and doesn't scream at the top of her lungs when she sees them. THAT was a long rainy season.....

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