Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dec 28 - Kiira's gone a walkabout

....and found out that today she was 5 years old! 5 years old just seems to be a pivotal number. Perhaps because we associate it with kindergarten. But, geez, it just seems grown up. Well, to celebrate her new found grown upness, we had an Australia themed party. It turned out very well if I do say so myself. Some highlights: kangaroo decorating with foam cut out kangaroo's, face painting (popular choices: koala) - thank you Chloe!, the birthday cake with the koala and kangaroo on it, the yummy Tim Tams (found only in Australia and brought home from Australia by mommy), the cute "walk about" goodie bags, and the piece de resistance was the didgeridoo concert by non-other than our talented friend Mona Helen. Not only was the concert spectacular, she told an incredible story about how the didgeridoo was discovered which the kids were mesmerized by. I had a shorter didgeridoo and let all the kids have a blow. A good time by all! Oh yeah - and before we got the koala face painting perfected, Kiira was trialing the face paint on mama. I guess she was going for more of the Aboriginal look....

1 comment:

Philomere said...

Yeah, I'm also available for Bar Mitzvahs and whatnot... (wink)