Thursday, January 31, 2008

The light at the end of the to speak

Well, I think we have seen the light at the end of the tunnel. In regards to Kiira's pooping problem that is. The problem being, in case some of you aren't up to date, well, she won't. Unless there are certain conditions....
Aaaaanyway.....we have now achieved THREE poopy in the potties! Yes, THREE. This is none other than a small miracle since we have been dealing with this issue for uuhhhhh...let's see here....can I think back that far....yes about two and a half long, tear filled, mom and dad hair yanking out of their heads years! Two and a half years of crying (both child and parents), two and a half years of watching her cross her legs to hold it in (that girl has some of the strongest muscles around when it comes to that!), two and a half years of watching her make herself sick before goddamn pooping.
Yes, she also has a mind like a steel trap. She had two victories some time ago, in recent days said three poopies which now total 5. Well, she informed me yesterday that daddy said she could have a FISH (oh lord, here we go again) if she did FIVE poopy in the potties. Guess where we are going tomorrow? To pick out some poor fish who will cringe when she sees us coming. I'm sure in the fishy world, word has gotten back that 528 Silverado Drive is a death trap for fish. Poor fish....I apologize in advance. It really is unintentional (unless you were our last fish who actually jumped to her death unbenounced to us - till I found her crispy...sigh......).
So....yeah for Kiira! Too bad for our future fish. Let's hope Kiira's trend continues. I've spared you all any photos of this latest victory....

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