Thursday, October 23, 2008

A chip off the 'ole block

It is easy to get caught up in the day and evening and not take time out to just sit. I am trying to get better at that. One of the ways Alan likes to decompress at the end of the day is to play his guitar. Inevitably, Evan likes to join in too. Not always relaxing at the end of the day to have the family (LOUD) band, but fun none the less.


Anonymous said...

I don't have kids, but I hope to one day. Do your kids get clumsiness from you? I'm a klutz, too, and I'm so afraid that my kids will be the ones at school that always have some kind of cast!
I also have a blog about being a klutz, check it out! Sometimes I come up with helpful information!

Hana Solo said...

That doesn't look like Ev- the hair is straight!

Margie in Oakland said...

What a great photo!!!!