Sunday, October 5, 2008

Professional photos of the horse show

Well, we signed up to have the pro take pictures of Kiira and I. If you'd like to see them, here are the links!

Heidi Once you hit the link, scroll down to "Orbit". That's the name of my horse.
Kiira Once you hit the link - go to Leadline 1 - that's Kiira.


Hana Solo said...

I can't believe I had to go to Miami and missed it!!! For some reason I pictured Orbit as grey. Kiira looks so darn cute in the britched/jodpurs/chaps (what ARE those pants called???)

heidi said...

Jodpurs. You got it! Put Nov 30 on your calendar - you can see us in another horse show at our barn! We won't look as snazzy but we'll try to do just as well!