Friday, August 1, 2008

Another one gone (but found)

Well, as luck would have it - or not - Kiira has lost another blankie. She seems to have adopted a new pink one with a teddy head on it as her new one. It seems it is always the last stop on our days adventures that brings calamity with that little rascal blankie. This time it was a shop in Mill Valley.

Luckily - all was not lost though (literally). I called the shop and they still had it. While I am in Brooklyn, NY writing this, our next in command Sarah has taken the task of retrieving that lovey. Poor Sarah - I forgot to tell her that she is not picking up "bumpy" but rather blankie #2 which is pink vs. purple. She went all the way over and came back thinking it was the wrong blankie. Trip #2 this afternoon to retrieve blankie #3.

1 comment:

Margie in Oakland said...

I tried desperately to get both boys to take on a "lovey." Nothing doing. Now, I am grateful.